Protein World Slender Blend Review


When i first decided to set out on losing weight (this being January 2015), i heavily researched a way to kick start my body into behaving & not wanting to eat piles of cake. I think i found an article on Twitter about Protein World products (Yeah that company who have caused uproar with an advert, i’ll put my thoughts on that another day). Again i heavily researched protein worlds products, the rate of success, how they work, ingredients etc, as i didnt want to put stuff into my body that was dangerous or shit. After days of googling i ordered Protein Worlds Weight Loss Collection at £62 (plus £5.99 delivery)  (Personally id get the chocolate flavour, its yummy & tastes like a Mcdonalds milkshake)

I first used the Slender Blend shakes as a meal replacement for breakfast & lunch & had a healthy alternative for dinner suchas stir fry (My boyfriend makes a god stirfry!), chicken breast with vegetables etc. I used the Fat Burners that came with the weight loss collection, i followed the guidelines of starting with one tablet 2 times a day & then going upto 2 tablets two times a day. Unfortunetly the fat burners made me feel a bit icky & anxious so i stopped those but thats just my personal experience with them. After 6 weeks of the Slender Blend diet, i had lost 10lbs without much exercise, i had also lost 4″ off my waist & everybody commented on how much slimmer i looked almost right away as the shakes banished water weight. It also kick started my eating habbits, i learnt what was good for my body & what was bad, i managed to shy away from cakes, fast food & unhealthy meals. After those 6 weeks, i started a Strawberry jar of the Slender Blend which i found i couldnt tolerate the taste of (Its stupidly sweet & tastes artificial) so i decided to stop the slender blend & do the good old fashioned thing… clean eating but i wont go into that now as this blog post is mainly about Protein World products.

In short, Protein Worlds Slender Blend was a great kick start to my journey, i shifted those christmas eating 10lbs that i had gained & had gotten me into healthy eating. I loved PW’s products that i bought all of their Weightloss Products;

Green Tea Extract

Flaxseed Powder

Psyllium Husks


CLA powder

You simply add the recommended dose to your Slender Blends. The green tea extract has a taste that you need time to get used to unless you like green tea. I found the flaxseed powder added a very strange consistency to the shakes & made the shakes smell a bit earthy. The Psyllium husks again took a bit of getting used to, when you mix them into the slender blends, they sit at the bottom so you either end up getting them in your teeth whilst drinking the shake or getting an almighty lump of them as you come to the end of your shake which isnt very tasty! The L-Tyrosine i cant really reach an opinion on as i dont know exactly the health benefits of it. I ended up selling the packs of Green Tea Extract, flaxseed, psyllium husks on ebay & kept the L-Tyrosine to help with my fitness ‘routine’. Now i havent mentioned the CLA powder up until now but this is the stuff i accredit my overall weightloss from my back, legs, bum, chest etc to. CLA works by targeting stubborn fat stores & moving them to the place in your body you burn fat the most & ‘targeted’ is not the word for this type of CLA, it obliterated all the stubborn parts of my body that ive hated for a long time. Anyone who knows me on a one to one basis says that i look like ive lost ALOT more than 1st 9lb (Well 10lbs on the Slender Blends) & that i put down to Protein Worlds CLA powder. Im going to keep using the CLA powder until i hit my goal weight, its amazeballs stuff.

Overall if you’re looking to start losing weight then i would highly recommend getting The Slender Blend, it was enjoyable whilst i was using as a meal replacement & it got me to the point i wanted to be at & helped me know what was right for my body & what was wrong.

Err…Is this thing on?

First off, let me introduce myself.

I am Hannah Mortem, Mortem not being my real surname, i hardly want stalkers. I am 24, live in Ipswich in the UK, Female OBVS & i have a bat shit mind, through this blog you will find out how bat shit. I have a wide field of talents including tattooing, fashion design & of all things… Taxidermy. See, told you i was bat shit. I have a delightful illness raging in my body simply called ‘Ehlers danlos syndrome’…BTW i use the term ‘Delightful’ in a sarcastic manor, its really quite horrible along with the countless other ‘side effect llnesses’ that come with it.

My main reason for making this blog is mainly for a ‘journey’ (How Xfactor does that sound?!) that ive started out on & want to help others. What journey is this? The one thing most of the human population obsess over…. weightloss.

A little rambling backstory, So i used to be a big girl, im 5ft 11″ in height so i wasnt really that big but weight was always an issue with me. When i was 16, i weighed 17 stone. At that time in my life, i was stupidly ill with Ehlers Danlos & Osteoarthritus in my spine. I spent 2 years of my teenage life on a daily routine of wake up, move onto the sofa & then when night came i’d get back into bed & sleep. I rarely went out & the only times i did go out was for the never ending hospital appointments. That was literally my life for years. When i hit 21, My parents & i moved to Ipswich to be under Ipswich hospitals Rheumatology team as Colchester hospital was failing my health horrifically (Shout out to colchester GH, now one of the UK’s worst hospitals!). My life started to change when i recieved proper treatment & understanding from the Ipswich team, i started to be more positive, i noticed that i started to lose weight without really trying…. Yeah, positive thinking helped me lose weight, Fuck you Paul Mckenna!. Soon i was 3stone down (14stone, BOOYAH), this is where present day comes into this part. In January 2015, i had a raging infection coursing through my body for no apparent reason. Due to suffering from Raynauds syndrome (Limited blood flow that makes hand & feet extremely cold), i had ulcers errupt on my feet & become very infected, the infection then coursed up to my mouth, where i had 6months previously had my tonsils removed, which erupted into a massive abcess. Both needed hard hospital treatment but at that moment i realised if i got myself to a healthy BMI, my immune system may improve, my joints may ease slightly from less flab & if i get any more problems then i wont get the line ‘Well if you lost a bit of weight….’ & they’d just focus solely on my body malfunctioning.

So here i am today, im knocked down to 13stone. After christmas 2014, i had gained 10lbs from ‘christmas eating’ (You know where you *WHAM* your face into a whole tub of quality street & proceed to eat them all) so i originally started at 14stone 10lb on the 21st January 2015.

My blog is mainly going to focus on fitness, weight loss, healthy eating & being an EDS Zebra. I will post my results, meals, supplements ive used/ are using, daily intakes, exercises etc. If someone asks a question, i will try to answer it in the best way i can. If i can lose weight then pretty much anyone can…. And thats saying something!